My view is also that Strava heatmaps are insufficient on their own to prove
a track. They do show that a reasonable number of people have passed along
a particular route in recent times. They don't prove a path or track, and
they give no indication of permissions.

However I did look for details of way 963735356 in the Strava heatmap, and
there's very little in Strava in that area. It's possible the user did have
the heatmap open in iD but didn't trace all the routes from there. Some
might be 'local knowledge'.

I do make use of the strava heatmaps frequently to refine the route of
known tracks, especially if there's lots of tree cover and you can't see
the tracks too well in imagery.
10s or 100s of averaged GPS tracks is better than a single GPS track which
you might record yourself.


On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 at 18:24, Tom Brennan <> wrote:

> Do people have a view on the armchair mapping of tracks from Strava
> heatmaps?
> I can see a bunch of tracks in Kanangra-Boyd NP that have been mapped by
> an overseas mapper off Strava heatmap.
> They almost certainly don't exist on the ground. They are known
> bushwalking routes (off track), but would be very unlikely to have a
> track even in good times, let along after the fires and 3 years of La Nina!
> Example:
> cheers
> Tom
> ----
> Canyoning? try
> Bushwalking? try
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