My Garmin GPSMAP 66i gives misleading routing instructions at a new
intersection on Albany Highway near Albany when using OSM data.  I have
looked at the OSM data through JOSM and it all looks good.  I wondered if
anyone else can see what might be causing the strange routing instructions.


The explanation really needs pictures, so I've put them in Dropbox:


Screenshot 1 shows the first OSM way of the section in question (highlighted
in red) plus some annotations about the points where the GPS has
instructions for the two misleading manoeuvres:


Screenshot 2 just shows the other OSM way that covers the section in


Screenshot 3 shows the routing instructions on the GPS:


I don't know how to give OSM way references, but the intersection is at
S34.9647 and E117.8205 (Menang Drive and Albany Highway)


Has anyone got any clues why the GPS would be doing what it is doing ?





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