If there is a general park notice "stay on marked tracks only" combined
with the "End of track" I would say that's sufficient to imply you can't
continue further and therefore access=no.

Without the general park notice but simply "End of track", to me that just
means it's the end of foot=designated, and further tracks would be foot=yes
and informal=yes, without any access=no.

On Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 22:55, Mark Pulley <mrpul...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> On my last holiday I took a detour to re-check the Apsley Gorge track.
> The asphalt path ends at a lookout
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/324186826
> The ‘controversial’ path is still present south of here - I followed it
> some of the way (about 350m), but didn’t follow it all the way to the end.
> There is a sign just south of the lookout - Google Maps street view shows
> the sign (the small yellow object near the southern end of the safety rail!)
> https://maps.app.goo.gl/9mDecm2GKpXxM48k6
> On the left side of the sign, there’s a warning icon (exclamation mark),
> then “No safety rail”, another warning icon (man falling off edge of
> crumbling cliff), then “Unstable edges”
> On the right side of the sign is the text “End of track, no safety rail
> beyond this point”
> The sign is there to discourage walkers venturing further south, but it’s
> not technically a “do not enter” sign.
> Does that help with what to do with this particular example?
> Mark P.
> On Tue, 3 Oct 2023 at 23:33, Mark Pulley <mrpul...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> A brief summary of the options for this type of situation (not just this
>> particular edit, but similar edits in the past and probably future):
>> 1. Revert the change sets (in the absence of more information)
>> 2. Partial revert, with a change in tags
>> 3. Leave the deletion as it is.
>> For this particular example, the results would be:
>> 1. Full revert - way will be marked informal=yes, but without access tags
>> 2. Partial revert - could add access=no, or
>> alternatively abandoned:highway=* or disused:highway=*
>> 3. No reversion
> I would opt for 2, leave the way in place, but with access=no, a lifecycle
> prefix on the highway tag like abandoned:highway=*
> or rehabilitated:highway=*.
> If there is signage that says closed for rehabilitation, we should
> capture the closure reason somewhere, so OSM data consumers can present
> that reason for the closure to users, whether that be
> via rehabilitated:highway=* or something like, access:reason=rehabilitation.
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