On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 08:43, Gerard Vanderveken <g...@ghia.eu> wrote:
> [...]
> Even not the demo project for public transport routes..
> http://3liz.fr/public/osmtransport/index.php?country=Belgium&location=Overijse
> - drag map to Leuven - click + buslines - click null

Indeed, I talked with the OSMTransport developer in October, and he
seemed quite worried by the complexity of some relations in Belgium.
Using too many levels of abstraction is hurting his project and makes
the current live rendering impractical.

If I remember correctly, his conclusion was that he stopped caring
about some unusual schemes, and it might well be the case here.

Sometimes, "less is more", or as we say in French, "le mieux est
l'ennemi du bien".


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