I would be happy if you could grant me some access to the document: i will
have some time to work on it tonight or Friday.

2011/4/27 Pol <d.paol...@gmail.com>

> The Dutch version:
> https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=13YdbXwy0bIykc3ehq6SMHdKvugwkbsmSrQ3w55JyLEA
> The English version:
> https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1Bil2SOlGAcSKSJPVin1NPKph91Iubp0N3JF4V30Uwas
> It has been translated with Google Translate, let's improve them now ;-)
> For people who want a write access to the doc, just ask for it here.
> Thanks !
> -*φol d.*-
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 13:02, Pol <d.paol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've created a Google document based on some other emails I saw on the
>> mailing list (Thx Didier).
>> You can view it here:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1CDmT_iD-ELIbdrFjUR0RbZs-Wx1SdSUff1mhXs6dJk4
>> If you want to have write access, just ask for it.
>> We are also looking for a good translation in dutch and english, maybe google
>> translate <http://translate.google.com/> is a good starting point.
>> -*φol d.*-
>> 2011/4/27 Julien Fastré <julienfas...@gmail.com>
>>> About this topic...
>>> I was thinking about sending such mail to the association "sentiers.be"
>>> : http://www.sentiers.be .
>>> I would like to ask them to use the data they gathered when they made
>>> maps about path (and forgotten path), available here :
>>> http://www.sentiers.be/spip.php?rubrique33 .
>>> I also would like to suggest them to use OSM for their work and on their
>>> website...
>>> Julien Fastré
>>> http://www.meta-morphoses.be
>>> 2011/4/27 Pol <d.paol...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I think it's a good idea to share the letters and the messages sent
>>>> through the different organisations, so, when we want to send a letter to
>>>> someone, we already have a nice template.
>>>> -*φol d.*-
>>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:54, Linusable <linusableli...@yahoo.fr>wrote:
>>>>>  Hello Pol,
>>>>> i don't know about belgian messages, but the french (also french
>>>>> speaking) OSM community has a special page on the wiki :
>>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:WikiProject_France/Courriers_%26_d%C3%A9marches
>>>>> Maybe there is such page in english or dutch ? (if anybody knows...)
>>>>> Their (french community) also recently discuss on the osm-tallk-fr list
>>>>> about a letter to request data on "Gîtes de France". Here follows some of
>>>>> the more interesting messages :
>>>>> -
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-fr/2011-April/031833.html
>>>>> -
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-fr/2011-April/031968.html
>>>>> -
>>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-fr/2011-April/032136.html(please
>>>>>  remark that a copy of the message is send to the mailing list)
>>>>> Maybe, in the same idea, if we discuss together the message, it could
>>>>> be better you send it (after discussion and approval/consensus) in your 
>>>>> name
>>>>> AND in the name of the belgian OSM contributors.
>>>>> But Belgian is more complicated than France : it depends a little bit
>>>>> on the contact and language used (french/dutch, sometimes english).
>>>>> Also, it could be interesting to insert a belgian section on the
>>>>> following page :
>>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potential_Datasources
>>>>> and insert a link in the belgian project page, or have a mixt depending
>>>>> on the language ?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Linusable
>>>>> Le 27/04/11 09:46, Pol a écrit :
>>>>> *Francais:*
>>>>>  Bonjour,
>>>>>  J'ai pris contact avec différentes organisations afin de demander ce
>>>>> qu'il en était des informations qu'ils pourraient nous mettre à 
>>>>> disposition
>>>>> pour intégrer dans OpenStreetMap (Tec, IBPT, etc etc...)
>>>>>  La réponse la plus courante est: "*Envoyez nous un email expliquant
>>>>> votre démarche et nous vous répondrons...*"
>>>>>  N'étant pas un rédacteur professionnel, je me demande si l'un d'entre
>>>>> vous possède un exemple de lettre à envoyer par email qui explique le
>>>>> pourquoi et le but d'une telle démarche et qui explique en quelques mots
>>>>> (convaincant), le projet OpenStreetMap.
>>>>>  *Néerlandais:*
>>>>>  Hallo,
>>>>> Ik nam contact op diverse organisaties om te vragen wat het was informatie
>>>>> die zij zou kunnen brengen tot onze beschikking op te nemen in de
>>>>> OpenStreetMap (Tec, het BIPT, etc etc ...)
>>>>> De meest voorkomende reactie is: "*Stuur ons een e-mail met uitleg van
>>>>>  aanpak en wij zullen reageren ...*"
>>>>> Niet zijnde een professionele schrijver, ik vraag me af of een van
>>>>> jullie eenvoorbeeld brief om e-mail waarin u de reden en het doel van
>>>>> een dergelijke aanpak te verzenden is, waarin in een paar woorden (
>>>>> overtuigend ), het OpenStreetMap-project.
>>>>>  *Anglais:*
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> I contacted various organizations to ask what it was information they
>>>>> could put at our disposal to incorporate in OpenStreetMap (Tec, BIPT,
>>>>> etc etc ...)
>>>>> The most common response is: "*Send us an email explaining your
>>>>> approach and wewill respond ...*"
>>>>> Not being a professional writer, I wonder if one of you has a sample
>>>>> letter to send email explaining the reason and purpose of such an
>>>>> approach, explaining in a few words (persuasive ), the OpenStreetMap
>>>>> project.
>>>>>  Thanks !
>>>>>  -*φol d.*-
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