People tend to judge the book by the cover and not by the content.
In this respect OSM is no match to StreetView. So, we should not try to profilate us against it. It will only cause disbelief and leaves OSM with a stamp of inferiority, because there is not the bling bling of StreetView.

There are other opportunities, which are more suitable to get attention for OSM and then we can do it with our strong points. One example is trage wegen / voies lentes, which get much attention in many villages and its councels these days. There we can offer advanced mapping en cartography.

If you can't win, don't go to the battle.

Ben Abelshausen wrote:

I think you are right in saying that we should not try to force the issue.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Sander Deryckere < <>> wrote:

    Sorry to go off topic, but...

    2011/11/24 Ben Abelshausen <

            So I don't think we should react. We should just spread
            the word of OSM on a continuous base. Apart from that, if
            OSM would suddenly get in the big media, we would also
            have a lot of problems with training newbies. The best
            system is that of continuous growth, where the older
            generation can teach the newer generation. And I'm not
            even talking about vandalism here.

        I don't think a lot of new users should scare us into not
        seeking more visibility for the project.  I think it would be
        a very good thing to get more new users involved!

        OSM is the best mapping project and free as in free speech!
        Everybody should know this...

    We should not be scared of seeking visibility,  I know OSM can
    handle a lot of new users, and making us visible is also a way to
    get a  steady growth. But we should not demand the media to give
    us the attention. When we grow bigger, the media will report about
    OSM because we're more interesting, and we will have enough
man-power to handle everything.
    If you disrupt that steady process, and you really demand stuff
    through laws and lawsuits, I don't think it would end very well.

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