On Sunday 23 December 2012 16:05:36 Glenn Plas wrote:
> In my understanding if a route is digitally available (or digitally
> signposted as you so beautifully put that), it can be added.
> One can easily 'invent' a route network, only it needs to have some kind
> of reference (a site, VZW) that maintains a description of it. Either
> digitally or physically.
> I know a lot of official ones that are already in OSM that have no
> signposts but use references of others.  I must admit, I'm not a biker
> (anymore), but I live very close to some nodes here, I could take a look
> of what is still really there.

At the moment we're only mapping routes that are signposted in real life. 
Otherwise anyone can come up with their own network and before you know it the 
database is full of "User X favourite way to walk from school to home" etc.

Perhaps some project could jump up to cater for routes like this, but it 
should be separate from the OSM database.


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