On 2012-12-26 10:59, Sander Deryckere wrote :
2012/12/25 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>
On 2012-12-23 16:00, Jo wrote :
2012/12/23 A.Pirard.Papou <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>
I would have liked to add node numbers, but I could not find on the Belgian OSM wiki how they're assigned.  How can I do that?
The numbered nodes get rcn_ref with the number as the value.
OK, I had understood I must use the number as the number.
But, how are those numbers assigned?
That means: who chooses them or do we have to invent them ourselves and are there any rules.
This should be explained in the wiki so that it can be usable.

The numbers are chosen by the tourism agency responsible for your area. Like in my region, it's WestTour (http://www.westtoer.be).

They create maps, and they signpost the routes.
On 2012-12-25 23:35, Ben Laenen wrote :
I don't really understand the question here. If you want to add cycle nodes 
from a network, then those numbers are on the signs at that junction.

If this is for a route you invented yourself, then the route doesn't have a 
place in OSM anyway...
Obviously, what seems obvious to you isn't to everybody, including several maps I have seen.
In consequence, I have added the following phrase to Conventions Hiking & Biking.
Mapping of walking and/or biking routes must be restricted to routes signposted by an official tourism agency that is assigning the node numbers, if any, and writing them to the signs.
As, in addition, the so-called tourism do not reply to e-mails, this is one more business I quit.



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