Op 23 dec. 2012 21:00 schreef "Chris Van Bael" <chris.van.b...@gmail.com>
het volgende:
> On 23-dec.-2012, at 12:28, Sander Deryckere <sander...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now the street network is good as complete (we even have streets in the
DB that are still under construction). So we need to focus on other things.
Those things are (according to me):
>> Addresses including housenumbers
>> POI's including extra information s.a. opening hours
>> Extra info on roads (maxspeed, lanes ...)
> I've been lurking on this list for too long, but this message triggered
> A few years ago I added a few streets in my neighbourhood, but indeed now
all the streets are in OSM, so more detailed info needs to be added.
> Problem is: I don't know how to do this in a decent way!
> And I'm very afraid to break something, or even worse do it in a bad way.
> There have been too many discussions on this list about bad conventions
used by others to give me confidence to add these things.

When you are adding stuff that can't be guessed from the area images, it's
hard to do something wrong. And when it's wrong, it's always easy to

So just do what you think is good, and if nobody tells you it is wrong,
that means you're doing great.

As long as you stay away from armchair mapping and batch editing, you will
never have to worry about these discussions (unless you really want ).

> What would help me (and others I believe), is that there are simple
tutorials to execute these things that clearly describe the conventions.

Maybe that's an idea, but a lot of users have their own preferred ways of
mapping, based on their favorite tools and available hardware. It's
difficult to find a standard in it.
> For the housenumbers for example : is there an easy way to add these
through my Android phone?
> Or how do you do this?
How I do it? If I am prepared, I have a printed map (at high zoom level,
via the walkingpapers service ) of the area I want to map, then I make
notes on it, and process them afterwards.

When I'm not prepared, I just use OSMtracker and make pictures of the
housenumbers and other features, when I come home, JOSM shows me where
these pictures were taken, and from the memory (and picture background ) I
know which house it is (left or right? First or second?).

I don't really like inputting data directly from my phone, but maybe that's
because I have an old, slow Android with a small screen.

> Thanks,
> Chris

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