
So, UrbIS has opened all geodata for Brussels. eMerzh and me have been
converting this data, so it becomes usable directly in JOSM or Merkaartor.

The files can be found here:


For every street I created an associatedStreet relation automatically. In
JOSM the easiest way to work with this is to

Right Mouse Button/Select Members

Then on the properties

Right Mouse Button on the relation/Select Relation (Add)

Then Ctrl-c


File/New layer


Then download data from OSM.

The streets parts (highway=...) still need to be added to the
associatedStreet relations.

The building shapes contain too many points, so some of them need to be
cleaned up manually.

Some buildings (in the middle of a street) contain 2 or 3 address nodes
with consecutive numbers. These need to be merged, the numbers xx-yy. Then
Ctrl-c, Ctrl-Shift-V to apply the tags on the building outline.

For the buildings on the street corners, it's probably best to keep the
addresses on the nodes.

When working on a street where buildings were already present, Ctrl-Shift-G
is a life saver. First select the shape coming from UrbIS, then select the
target building.

If the target building contains nodes which already have tags, or which are
part of another relation, these need to be merged with 'm' before
transfering the geometry.

There is still quite a bit of manual work involved, but this also means we
get a chance to check what we're doing.


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