Hi eMerzh,

The data is provided in different ways. I started by looking at the
topology files, but everything is totally fragmented in there and I can't
seem to find the glue to tie it all together once again. One would have to
'reconstruct' the front, sides and backside of the houses and combine with
house numbers.

The adm files seem to be more accessible. PostGIS has a plugin which
enables to import dbf and shp files. So from the Urbis site we would
download the data in SHP format.

Unzip and then point Postgis to the DBF files. Don't forget to change the
character encoding to LATIN1 (or set it to that for the whole DB, but then
it needs to be converted to UTF-8 later on).

Once it's all imported, start QGIS and connect to the DB. Now it's possible
to visualise the data.

Urbadm-bu contains the buildings.

What we should decide is what do we want to use for import/integration?

Many of the buildings in Brussels are already drawn. Are we going to
replace them with this data? Does replacing mean: throw away the nodes and
start over, or do we try to keep the nodes and "simply" change their
positions? (Not so simple to code, but probably not impossible).

What is probably simple is to create an OSM-file with all the housenumbers.
Then it's still a lot of manual labour to put them in and verify with what
we already had.

Creating OSM files with all the building outlines would be a bit harder to
accomplish. I've been trying to decipher how the data is organised in the
tables for the past few hours...

I can't seem to find the link between the buildings and the
housenumbers/streets, but maybe I should have a fresh look at it, once the
headache goes away... I do think it's in there somewhere.

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