2013/9/27 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>

> I'll be there.


> But I'm still confused about the goals of the meeting.

good questions Marc. Here are my goals, which I hope will meet the ones of
many of you :

1/ meet in person many Belgian mappers and active members of the Belgian
OSM mailing list. I know many of you by names and actions, but I have not
had the opportunity for such an important direct relation, that I find very
usesul for developping further mutual respect, trust why not friendship, or
professional relations. Thanks to RMLL2013 in Brussels, I have met Jo and
Ben. This eases, at least for me, the exchange we have now still by email

2/ discuss in person, which is sometimes more efficient, some of the
projects we have discussed on this list and if possible, move some a little
further, and take some decisions.

3/ allow new members of the OSM community at large to meet some of us, and
get quickly and easily on board. For example, a leading person for ULB,
using more and more free software (in the communication, TV and radio
world, with students), Philippe Delchambre in cc. wrote many times to this
list, asking for help to start mapping. I haven't been able to work a
useful cartoparty with Philippe so far, as I had hoped, nor simply to get
enough time to show him how to begin mapping. I would like to give an
oppotunity for Philippe to

3.1/ come and meet us,
3.2/ have a good reason to come and meet us, for himself,
3.3/ quickly get the basis on how to map for pleasure and interest,

4/ provide an opportunity for members of the official government data
providers to easily meet the active OSM community. Eg: I have invited
people working at Cirb who have developped and provided Urbis to come and
attend the meeting. The location, ESI, is really effective for that. It is
located less than 500 m from Cirb main offices.

5/ involve the school where I teach, ESI, a school where we educate
computer scientists, more and more with free software tools and methods,
and allow the colleagues and students to meet the community easily.

Is this a
> presentation of OSM to a wider audience ?


> If so, why will we discuss
> the internal organisation to run an OSM website. This is something
> that has to take place behind closed doors.
> indeed

> I would group all presentations about OSM together time-wise and after
> that's done, the insiders can stay and discuss stuff

this is what I tried to propose as a schedule. Please do not hesitate to
swap elements to better reach that goal.

> such as
> * "Do we need a VZW/ASBL to support this? ",
> * "Discussion around the Open data Wallonia hackathon"
> * "contacts with administrations or press"
> We do not need an audience for that, do we ?
> no.

My proposal is that such topics be discussed, as you propose, in a seconde
phase at ESI and later at the restaurant, which ever is the most convenient.

Is many wants, we could ask for sandwiches / pizzas to be delivered at the
school where we can access the cafetaria.

As for the presentations, if no one else (of the more experienced
> presenters/mappers) volunteers, I can give a presentation/demo on

please do. I'll let you add your name and your proposal for the details of
the presentation to the pad page.

> Assuming the audience is not familiar with mapping I thought of
> the following outline
> - what is mapping (showing a sketch of a map as we used to do a long time
> ago)
> - add a restaurant node in ID
> - switch to JOSM (I'm much more familiar with it)
> - Use GPX track + waypoints
> - Use some presets to show JOSM can be easy as well
> - some the usage of other data sources, e.g. data of De Lijn (from
> DB), VMM (from Excel), Monuments from Wikipedia (via small Python
> script)
> - simple turn restriction relation (to show it's not all nodes and lines)
> I like very much this list of topics.

> or do you want to focus more on 1 topic e.g. adding house numbers ?
> that woulf be for another time ... or could be the answer to some
questions, depending on the time it takes.

> as for the nice maps, besides good examples, I also think of different
> renderings to show the richness of the data
> - main OSM site with the different styles to get started (of Brussels
> to show work on Urbis ?)
+1 especially with Urbis as members of the Cirb urbis team will be present.
I would love that they develop closer relations with the OSM community, and
that the relation and exchange of data become bidirectionnal ( OSM <=>
Urbis, and not only Urbis => OSM)

> - OpenLinkMap to show the hyperlinks and opening hours

> - hike bike map to show the work on walking network
> - OpenSnowMap
> - Gesichtskarte (Lier, Mechelen or Antwerpen)
> - Perhaps some maps from ITO ?
> - Some examples from Best of the Map (http://bestofosm.org/)
> all are very interesting. As a cyclist, and beginner mapper, I would also
like, if possible, to know how to help developping OSM cycle map in
Brussels, for example adding the new yellow signs that allow the cyclist to
pass a red light either to move forward or to turn right, in such a way
that this can be later used by automatic routing programs.

I would also like to know how to easily use OSM to get directions in
Belgium / Brussels. While I rely mostly on OSM for location in Brussels, I
still rely mostly on Google maps for directions when I need to go to a
place that I don't know well. I would like nt to have to use Google maps

I would also like to know how I can easily map with the students of my
schools, using the paper website. I want my students to be able to map on
their free time, and get a *very* detailed OSM map of ESI neighborhoods,
with every shops, restaurants, administrations, house numbers ...

I know some of my goals would take much more time than the  3 to 4 hours
we'll have, but now you have my ideas.

Much thanks,


> regards
> m
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be>
> wrote:
> > 2013/9/26 Julien Fastré <jul...@fastre.info>
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> About RTBF / Le Soir, etc.: IMHO I am not sure we should invite them
> >> there. We will have a lot of discussion about our own internal
> organisation.
> >> We should plan a future event to invite them, but not necessary this
> time.
> >
> > This is indeed what I considered. I fully agree.
> >
> > THere will most probably be members of Cirb. We could altogether prepare
> a
> > future public meeting and its communication, and plan activities to show
> > then a really beautiful and useful map of Belgium, a website that offers
> a
> > lot and where the public can benefit and contribute.
> >
> > Nice to see you all,
> >
> > Nicolas
> >>
> >>
> >> Nice to see you !
> >>
> >> Julien Fastré
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 26/09/13 12:36, Nicolas Pettiaux a écrit :
> >>
> >>
> >> 2013/9/26 Ben Abelshausen <ben.abelshau...@gmail.com>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Nicolas Pettiaux <
> nico...@pettiaux.be>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I would propose that we discuss and compose the schedule of the
> meeting
> >>>> on http://lite2.framapad.org/p/OSMBE20131003 and list there who
> would come.
> >>>>
> >>>> Please see there the proposed planning and comment / adapt ?
> >>>>
> >>>> I would very much like to get in touch with the press (RTBF, Le Soir,
> Le
> >>>> vif, la DH, Tele Bruxelles) and members of the administrations to
> advertize
> >>>> the event and have public come if you agree.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Nice! If this is public then maybe we could announce on twitter/meetup
> >>> too?
> >>
> >>
> >> yes .Please do . I do not have the time to .
> >>
> >> Every advertissement and communication on the (social) networks are good
> >>
> >>> Not sure If I will be able to make it at 19:00 already, I start working
> >>> as a freelancer for AGIV (!) next week... :-)
> >>>
> >> you'll do your best. This is why we start with a get to know each other
> >>
> >>>
> >>> I updated the framapad with my comments.
> >>
> >>
> >> much thanks
> >>
> >> Please indicate if you come and want to eat.
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Nicolas Pettiaux - +32 496 24 55 01 - http://rmll.info -
> http://lepacte.be
> > EuroSciPy 2013 co-chair http://www.euroscipy.org/
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >

Nicolas Pettiaux - +32 496 24 55 01 - http://rmll.info - http://lepacte.be
EuroSciPy 2013 co-chair http://www.euroscipy.org/
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