On Monday 07 October 2013 14:00:36 Dennis Bollyn wrote:
> For example, I'm tending towards xx=designated where it is a F99x sign and
> xx=yes when a sign indicates a additional right that is not normally
> present (eg. uitgezonderd .../excepte ...), but this is not consistently
> used throughout the poll. For reasons of consistency, would would thus
> rather vote for xx=yes.

No full reply yet on anything since I don't have a lot of time to reply, but I 
just wanted to say that the F99 signs are still completely open for 
discussion, because there never was an agreement on how to tag them. It's one 
of those weird traffic signs with exceptions (F99c has some kind of 
access=destination in it). If you search the mailing list and wiki for F99 
you'll probably find earlier attempts to come up with a solution. And they can 
come up with some peculiar things like adding a moped icon to it, or even a 

As for the more general discussion: I'd say we also come up with an exact 
syntax for tagging Belgian traffic signs as a side project, including how to 
tag the special values. For some signs this may be a lot of fun or outright 
impossible, including nested signs etc. :-)


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