On 2013-10-01 13:11, Ben Laenen wrote :
On Monday 30 September 2013 23:58:36 André Pirard wrote:
Désolé, j'ai mal exprimé ma pensée, j'interprétais vos raisonnements.
Mais si, si vous voulez laisser passer les vélos, il faut ajouter
bicycle=yes Les tags OSM respectent les règles OSM et pas le code de la
route belge. On ne s'y retrouverait pas si l'interprétation d'OSM suivait
les règles particulières de chaque pays.
Well, this discussion has been held a lot of times in the past. It's 
completely impossible to mold the entire world into a set of tag rules without 
exceptions in any country at all. It already starts with the definition of 
each different category of vehicle, so we couldn't even make a tag set which 
is valid for the entire world if we were to tag every vehicle type explicitely 
(think roads that have motorcar=yes, goods=yes, bicycle=yes, motorcycle=yes, 
foot=yes, horse=yes etc). We in Belgium have two types of mopeds, in other 
countries they have mofa and moped, other countries have a single type of 
moped, and then the rules start to change what it means exactly if you tag a 
road with moped=no.
I agree with you that, in contrast with what OSM seems to want to do (on the wiki and on the tagging list), we cannot map everything down to the slightest detail.  And on the other hand, it is not mandatory do better than the many mistakes that exist in the law and administration.
But we should not pretend to map traffic rules and do it plain wrong.
If we tag bicycle=yes where it should be =no, the marvelous OSM routing programs will send bicycles there. In that case, we'd better tag nothing at all.

Click here to open this map.  You see the route.  Select Goods, recalculate.  No change.
Now select Heavy Goods, recalculate.  See?  It understood the hgv-only restriction.
That program is even laughing at the road administration because the route is perfectly respectful of the signs but I know that what they want is preventing the HGVs to go down this road and through Esneux.
Now, try doing this with Google Maps, try with ViaMichelin, anything else to try?

Well, guys, I'm proud of working for OSM when I see such results and you can understand that I'm always upset when I see yournavigation or Osmand on my phone making a routing mistake.

In consequence, if we do not find something we need in the OSM tags, we should request it.

So yes, we have to have country defined rules about access tags. And one of 
them is that access=destination will always allow pedestrians, cyclists and 
horse riders in Belgium. Another one for example is that a motorroad=yes will 
disallow pedestrians, cyclists, mopeds, horse riders and other animal drivers 
without having to add all these explicitely.
I have an idea for country specific rules and other matters. I hope to be able to send a message to the tagging list soon.

The matter about C3 is as follows. The present definition was this:

C3 Belgium-trafficsign-c3.svg

No entry in both directions





Only destination traffic allowed. Horses, bicycles, pedestrians are always allowed.


Isn't it strange to fully forbid access to "vehicle" and to partially forbid access to "everything", making a difference with pedestrians when the only difference is a Belgian exception regarding horses and bicycles?

Let us analyze the terms of the law.

9.2. Signal C3. Accès interdit, dans les deux sens, à tout conducteur.

2.13. Le terme "conducteur" désigne toute personne qui assure la direction d'un véhicule ou qui guide ou garde des animaux de trait, de charge, de monture ou des bestiaux.
Hence, C3 applies to "vehicle" plus "horse" (rather than everything minus foot and ski)

2.47Les termes "excepté circulation locale" ou "desserte locale" désignent une voie publique qui n'est accessible qu'aux véhicules des riverains de cette rue et des personnes se rendant ou venant de chez l'un d'eux y compris les véhicules de livraison; y sont aussi admis sans exceptions les véhicules des services d'entretien et de surveillance, lorsque la nature de leur mission le justifie, les véhicules prioritaires visés à l'article 37 et les cyclistes et les cavaliers. [my underline]
Hence, C3 = "destination" applies to ("vehicle" plus "horse") minus ("bicycle" plus "horse")


In consequence, I have modified our wiki as follows.

C3 Belgium-trafficsign-c3.svg

No entry in both directions






Only destination traffic allowed. Horses, bicycles, pedestrians are always allowed.





Let me know any comment.

Now we have to ask:
  • OSM tagging: does "emergency" mean "prioritaire" and what is this tag exactly for?  Do not emergency vehicles know where they are going?  Is it necessary to tag an emergency exception to each restriction to tell a fireman or anyone that they are allowed to put out fires where other vehicles cannot go?
  • Belgian law: if 2.47 allows those firemen to pass a "destination" sign, does it mean that 2.13+9.2 disallows them to do so?
I know it's not an elegant solution, and that it does put a big burden on all 
data users to interpret what access tags mean in every country, but I always 
had this "dream" already quite some time ago that one day some kind of a 
library would be built that would take the tags on a road, and then you can 
ask if a certain vehicle is allowed or not for that given country. A place 
where all these local country rules would be defined. But I guess that's 
beyond this discussion :-)
I once wrote a message on the tagging list about such a library idea. Not a single reply.
I now have a new idea that makes much sense.
Wait a bit (I hope).



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