On 2014-05-08 16:58, � wrote :

good news from the walloon front : the strategic plan for geomatica was approved, and, following those who may read it, our request sent with OKFN were heard !

The minister Henry asked to the SPW (his administration) to set up all data from SPW as Open Data; they received a "green light" to do that. Politically, it seems to me something really new.

Today and yesterday, there were meeting about the implementation of the plan. I could not go there (sorry, I am quite busy at the moment).

I think we should get in contact with the next governement, in a few days (I hope we won't have to make new contacts again...)


Le 25/03/14 17:34, Julien Fastré a écrit :

We sent our opinion yesterday (thanks to Philippe).

You may read  the final document here : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Belgian_OSM_contributor_Opinion_to_plan_strat%C3%A9gique_geomatique_wallonne.pdf


(I do not understand why my links are transformed into pictures... I use the [[File:xyz.pdf]] but this does not appears as a <a > tag...

Le 23/03/14 22:41, Julien Fastré a écrit :

With the great help of Philippe Duchesnes, we wrote a single an common review of the PSGW.

Could you give us some comments before we send this ? Our deadline is very short (this monday, end afternoon - the initial text was submitted to our wiki).

The RC text : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wGZZndpoLEgJuT5fvVv6IkjaLKy6D43l5CUnTBo4z4g/edit?usp=sharing

The PSGW itself : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/7/7b/Projet_de_plan_strat%C3%A9gique_g%C3%A9omatique_pour_la_Wallonie_%28Belgique%29.pdf


Le 15/03/14 12:16, Julien Fastré a écrit :

Ben, Pieter,

I do not have any opposition as joining OKFN and OSM opinion in one document. I thought it was more strategic to have two voices, but I am not sure this reasoning match with reality.

I propose to write differently the chapter about "open source" in a way which is more pragmatic. I might do this at the beginning of the week.

OK ?

Or I delete this chapter completely ?

@Jo: the permission to trace from WMS is included in our request to open data globally. I also have contacts which focus more on web services. But I will mention the persmissions of Brussels and Flanders (the advance of wallonie and brussels is a quite good arguments with our politics :-) ).


Le 15/03/14 12:04, Jo a écrit :
Hi Julien,

You mention we have permission to trace from Bing. In the mean time we have better imagery (higher resolution, more recent) in Flanders and Brussels provided by AGIV, which we are also allowed to trace. We also have permission to, if I understood correctly, to use their WMS (or is that CRAB) to trace/verify street names and house numbers.

Maybe the Region Wallonne can do one better by allowing us to trace/reuse building outlines :-) like in Brussels Region.

Open data and Open source are two orthogonal subjects, one can proces opendata with closed source software or closed data with open source software. We have a preference for software under free licenses, but everybody should be able/allowed to use whatever software they please and can afford as long as they comply with the licenses.


2014-03-15 11:53 GMT+01:00 Ben Abelshausen <ben.abelshau...@gmail.com>:
First of all Julien: thanks for all your hard work and enthusiasm in taking on this task! :-)

I think it is pretty obvious that we would want to promote usage of open-source as well but I think this is something that is not the task of our community.

We can recommend using open-source tools but the argument against opening data cannot ever be 'open-data is not possible because then we would have to use open-source software'. I think we should be very very clear that these two are different. An excel document with nice juicy open-data is still a good thing.

But we can still recommend using open-source tools, we just have to be careful about how this is done in this document.

Also: We should be careful about positioning the OSM project in Belgium as a project that wants to collect/incorporate open-data sets. We are about collecting data in the form of mapping the world, not about collecting open-geo-data sets. That was an argument for me to join everything with OKFN into one document.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen

Sincere congratulations, Julien, thanks.
One thing I hope that this open data will be usable (practically, in particular with WMS and with JOSM).
Did minister Henry ask to correct the bugs that were reported as long as 5 years ago and up to recently for TEC?

All the best,

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