
Some data of the map changes often, in particular what's on the road: traffic signs, bus lines etc.
It would be interesting if someone tackling a region could determine what in his interests was checked the longest ago.  Hence the need for a date at the beginning of the data that is not of the source of information if any but that indicates when that source, visual observation or other was still current last. The someone would deal with the oldest in priority and update that date if that can be said. The data field of the query result would be sorted to determine the oldest ones.
Is the source:survey date appropriate for that, pardon my limited English ...
verb (used with object)
to take a general or comprehensive view of or appraise, as a situation, area of study, etc.
to view in detail, especially to inspect, examine, or appraise formally or officially in order to ascertain condition, value, etc.
to conduct a survey of or among:
to survey TV viewers.
to determine the exact form, boundaries, position, extent, etc., of (a tract of land, section of a country, etc.) by linear and angular measurements and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry.

noun, plural surveys.
an act or instance of surveying or of taking a comprehensive view of something:
The course is a survey of Italian painting.
a formal or official examination of the particulars of something, made in order to ascertain condition, character, etc.
a statement or description embodying the result of this:
They presented their survey to the board of directors.
a sampling, or partial collection, of facts, figures, or opinions taken and used to approximate or indicate what a complete collection and analysis might reveal:
The survey showed the percentage of the population that planned to vote.
the act of determining the exact form, boundaries, position, etc., as of a tract of land or section of a country, by linear measurements, angular measurements, etc.
the plan or description resulting from such an operation.
an agency for making determinations:
U.S. Geological Survey.

Not the seemingly appropriate #4, but #7 looks like the right word, isn't it.
Anyway, I let you natives decide.
Or we just use no word and just put the date first on the source:data line.

But now comes my computer science remark that "10 November 2012" is not appropriate because it does nor easily sort chronologically.  And hence I suggest to update the wiki to use the ISO format 2012-11-10 instead.

Would someone versed in overpass queries confirm that such a query can be done sorted, or with a possible use of a post-processing script to format and sort the output?

But now comes that clash again.  This generalized good practice is difficultly applicable to maxspeed.

And that maxspeed thing is the strangest one ever.
source=* almost says that source:maxspeed=* is an admitted mistake but that you are not compelled to make the mistake and  that you are allowed to correctly use maxspeed:type=*.  Furthermore, if #1 uses a wrong source:maxspeed=* and then #2 comes to add a correct source:maxspeed=*, then #2 has to change #1's source:maxspeed=* to maxspeed:type=*. before he add his correct source:maxspeed=*.
And as we are #2 when generalizing source:maxspeed=survey we are making using maxspeed:type=* mandatory.
Furthermore the correct key:maxspeed:type article almost deters from using it and key:maxspeed shows a sole source:maxspeed=* as useful combination.
And, of course, national wikis will overlook maxspeed:type entirely.

Couldn't that maxspeed problem be fixed logically?



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