On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:01 PM, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>

> What if the previous mapper doesn't survey the same things I map ? What's
> the use of the survey date in that case?
> That is the point I raised that unlike source=... survey:date applies to
> all aspect of a map element.

what is "all" aspect ? Let's take a highway

- name
- classification
- surface
- lanes
- parking lanes
- bicycle lanes/tracks
- sidewalks
- max weight, height, etc.
- is overtaking allowed
- crossings
- others ?

Since almost none of the streets in Belgium are surveyed for all this
information, I still have to survey the street as it was never surveyed
before. When I started mapping I forgot to survey certain things as I was
not aware that it could be mapped. Assuming I would have put a date on it,
I would still have to resurvey.

It would also mean that you have to update the survey date on each item,
even if you don't change anything on the element (as you most likely know).
But this does not work when you put the survey date on the changeset, as
resurveyed, unchanged elements would not be marked with this "survey date".

Putting a survey date on each element will have a huge impact on how people
map. So they have to touch all objects they saw during their survey, just
to indicate that they are still there (also stuff like housenumbers, i.e.
things that do not change often or not at all).

Wonder who's willing to do that.

I've seen a discussion a long time ago where someone asked whether it is
possible to mark an are as "done". But is an area ever done ? E.g. someone
recently proposed to map street_cabinets. So all complete area would
suddenly become incomplete, because you can map this new thing.

Isn't a map like
http://www.itoworld.com/map/127?lon=4.44997&lat=51.08258&zoom=13 not enough
? It's generated automatically and show where the most recent edits were
This wouldn't require additional effort from the mappers and is probably a
good enough approximation, not ?


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