On 2014-08-20 07:40, Marc Gemis wrote :
> https://twitter.com/JLZIMMERMANN/status/501356038499868672/photo/1

The answers to those questions about our conventions should be found
here, Marc
WikiProject Belgium/Conventions/Bus and tram lines (tagging)
so that anybody can tag without asking the same questions and getting
the same or different answers over and over again.
I had to made modifications to those few lines for readability.
But there was no answer when I tried to raise a discussion about
missing, essential infos.

Mainly, how must a route extension (optional detour) be represented
(unclear "(at least) two separate type
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:type%3Droute> relations")?
Must the detour (e.g. a small loop that some but not all buses follow)
be represented standing alone (A - B - D - E and B - C - D) or must the
whole route be repeated with and without the extension (A - B - D - E
and A - B - C - D - E)
The problem is that let us say 3 extensions potentially make 8 whole routes.
Also, if the extension is at the end of the line (A - B - D - E [- F]),
is it OK to represent the route only once (A - B - C - D - E - F)?


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