On 2015-11-25 00:12, André Pirard wrote :
> On 2015-11-24 22:11, Julien Fastré wrote :
>> ...
>> Add the URL [1] in the required field, and click on "get the layers".
>> You will see all the layer available !
>> Choose your layer and give him a name.
> On 2015-11-24 22:19, Julien Fastré wrote :
>> Does someone have the power to do that ? For newbies (like the recet
>> message) it would be useful. We could also update the AGIV luchtfotos
>> link.
> Agathe Thepower, but it's like setting a Rendez Vous without telling
> where ;-)
> Could you, or someone(s) who's used to use Urbis tell me what layers
> they need.
> It seems that "AGIV(laanderen) aerial imagery (covers Brussels region
> as well)".
> (to me, it seems that AGIV, URBIS and SPW use the same runs of photos).
> So, you don't need the URBIS photos, you use AGIS, right?
> Regarding the digitalized tiles, there is B/W vs color and what they
> call FR vs NL, which is not France vs Netherlands, but fr vs nl,
> French vs Dutch.  So I make two versions, right?
> Now there are a lot of optional, additional layers to choose.
> Should I add them all, or is there anything annoying according to your
> experience?
> I think that I'll add everything. Anyone can remove anything he wants
> from the command.
> But, after all, the most simple would be to send me an URL you're
> working with from the config.
> What is there to change to AGIV?
> Aren't there usable, digitalized pictures for Flanders as well?
> Cheers
> André.
I have added a, URBIS fr preset as I said: Base color fr + all optional
Yet a detail about bbox (boundaries) to fix.

Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select URBIS
Imagery>URBIS fr  and there should come your layer

The projection related message is new to JOSM, shouldn't exist (1) and
should  be avoidable.
I'll tell my JOSM friends about it.

Let me know if everything is right for you.
I first thought that this map was scanty, but I looked at their preview
and it seems it's what I must get.
Then will you want an URBIS nl?

I wanted to check the AGIV photos over Brussels, but they don't work.
Jo, the author, could you check what's going on there?
Please note that, for photos, you'd better use jpeg than bmp.

It would be better that Urbis supported the projection 3857 too.
Should I contact them to explain why? Who's best?

(1) JOSM underwent a drastic update two versions ago.
The WMS and TMS caches were unified and, at my and other's request, they
now support WMTS.
WMTS stresses the server less, is supported by URBIS and we should use it.
But it loops with URBIS. Yet another JOSM bug to report.
I'll let you know when this issue will be solved.

WMTS generally does not work with the SPW.
That is because, contrarily to what was said, it supports neither 4326
nor 3857.
I won't explain that all over again.
Please tell us when this issue will be fixed.  <PRIVATE JOKE> Hi Julien!


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