On 2015-11-26 00:42, Jo wrote :
> Hi Bruno,
> André did a great job to provide you with the rendered version of what
> UrbIS has in their GIS. Thank you for that André.
> From your originial post I understand you wanted aerial photography
> though. So I added that as:
> URBIS Orthorectified aerial imagery covering Brussels Region (2014)
> <https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Maps/Belgium#URBISOrthorectifiedaerialimagerycoveringBrusselsRegion2014>
Oops, I was understanding that I was  taking care of Urbis and as there
was no answers to my messages I added

        Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE URBIS
        Imagery>URBIS 20xx and there should come your layer

with xx = 09, 12, 14, 15 and the same advantages over the WMS versions
as explained below.
It was just a few characters to change and right when I saved the file:
That's OSM, that's life ;-)

Thanks for AGIV, Jo.



> To the website of JOSM, which means you can 'install' it in your local
> copy of JOSM by updating the WMS sources, and then selecting it for use.
> https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Preferences/Imagery
> I'm still trying to figure out how to the same for the new AGIV
> imagery that covers Flanders.
> Also try JOSM's Mapillary plugin for streetview images. PhilippeC has
> already made a lot of pictures in and around Brussels. It's nice for
> double checking from a different perspective.
> Cheers,
> Polyglot
> 2015-11-25 23:48 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com
> <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>>:
>     On 2015-11-24 12:37, Bruno Veyckemans wrote :
>>     Hi all,
>>     I became an enthusiastic OSM mapper following Julien Fastré's
>>     presentation at Foss4G BE last month, and now have big projects
>>     to map all I can in Brussels. 
>>     I focus on using Overpass / PHP to create listings and see what's
>>     missing in the capital (museums, parks, churches, artwork,
>>     hospitals...), such as: http://ici.brussels/liste-musees (website
>>     in french, but I take care to add tags in FR/NL/EN... By the way,
>>     I would be glad if some users helped to fill the blanks).
>>     My question is about OSM's Bing imagery. I know Brussels has
>>     beautiful and precise 2015 aerial pictures thanks to UrbIS (see
>>     here: http://geoloc.irisnet.be/ , ArcGIS server), but I don't
>>     know how to use it in OSM to map Brussels (their 2015 WMS isn't
>>     yet available). Do you think it's possible ?
>     Hi Bruno,
>     Welcome to OSM !!!  I have made new JOSM presets for Urbis as
>     described below.
>     When I am mapping, I meet many elements that were previously
>     mapped with a 2-5-10m+ precision and I remap them with a 20 cm
>     precision using the SPW servers.  The best advices I can give to
>     map precisely are:
>       * use JOSM, even if it seems harder to start with, it's much
>         rewarding in the long term; suboptimal mapping is usually done
>         with other editors
>       * use digitalized maps: aerial photographs are shot from an
>         angle: they are rectified horizontally but not vertically: the
>         walls or other vertical features are slanted and the roofs are
>         offset relatively to the ground; digitalized maps are the
>         result of calculations that a human cannot do to put all that
>         right.
>     On 2015-11-24 22:11, Julien Fastré wrote :
>>     Hi Bruno,
>>     Hi the list
>>     You can add easily the WMS server of Urbis in JOSM.
>>     ...
>> http://geoserver.gis.irisnet.be/urbis/wms?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities
>     Forget about that URL and what I have said before about using it.
>     I have made new presets that are prettier, faster, more simple,
>     more precise by supporting 3857 and without the pesky message.
>     Configure
>       Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE
>     URBISfr*>Activate>OK
>     Imagery>Imagery preferences>refresh (whirling arrows)>select *BE
>     URBISnl*>Activate>OK
>     Activate
>       Imagery>URBISfr or URBISnl and there should come your layer
>     Let me know if everything is right for you.
>     Happy mapping.
>     André.
>>     -------
>>     Bonjour à tous,
>>     Je suis devenu un "mapper" enthousiaste d'OSM à la suite de la
>>     présentation de Julien Fastré au Foss4G BE le mois dernier, et
>>     j'ai maintenant des projets assez ambitieux pour compléter tout
>>     ce que je peux en Région bruxelloise.
>>     J'utilise Overpass et PHP pour générer des listes des
>>     infrastructures de la capitale (musées, parcs, églises, oeuvres
>>     d'art, hôpitaux...) comme celle-ci:
>>     http://ici.brussels/liste-musees (et je serais heureux si
>>     certains se joignaient à moi pour compléter les tags manquants).
>>     Ma question porte sur les images satellites d'OSM, fournies par
>>     Bing. Je sais que Bruxelles possède des images aériennes de 2015
>>     beaucoup plus belles et précises grâce à UrbIS (par exemple ici:
>>     http://geoloc.irisnet.be/ ), mais je ne sais pas comment les
>>     utiliser dans les outils d'édition d'OSM. Pensez-vous que ce soit
>>     possible ? J'ai notamment envie de redessiner les chemins du
>>     Cimetière de Bruxelles, parfaitement visibles sur BrugIS 2015
>>     mais pas sur Bing, et d'y ajouter ses tombes célèbres...
>>     Merci/Thanks/Dank u et belle journée malgré le #BrusselsLockdown
>>     Bruno - ici.Brussels

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