On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Jasper Michels <jaspermich...@gmail.com>

> It was mentioned that there exist free datasets for the flemish part. (and
> cant we import the building outlines of Agiv?)

At this moment someone is working on converting the GRB data into something
that can be "easily" imported.

I've put "easily" between quotes, because it will still be a lot of work in
areas where there are already buildings. The reason is that we should try
to keep the history and data of the existing buildings. With data I mean
POI info, heritage information, house name, 3D, building type, etc. Even
when there is no information, it is polite to keep the names of the
previous mappers in the history of the OSM way. I do not like an approach
where all existing data is deleted.

I have been replacing old AND data and buildings that I had traced from
Bing imagery with data based on AGIV aerial images and recently with GRB
data. It is labor intensive.

The scenario  that I follow is

* move the old house out of the way
* redraw based on GRB
* replace geometry of old building with new (from utilsplugin2). this keeps
the history
* drop source=AND
* add building type based on aerial images and add address (address from
AGIV) using housenumbertool

Sometimes (with a lot of connected houses), I just try to reshape the old
building way, because moving all houses out of the way is more difficult.

With an import you do not have to do the drawing, but you still need to do
the replace geometry. The other steps that you have to perform depends on
the import data: is the building type correct ? is the address data already
merged ?

Since this is so much work to correct, it's a pitty to see that some power
mappers are rushing through the current address data and only add rough
approximations of the buildings. L-shaped buildings become rectangles, in
terraces half of the buildings are ignored. Correcting this afterwards,
might take more time than trying to do it correctly the first time around.

In conclusion, you can already draw the buildings based on GRB now. No need
to wait until the import is ready. For most buildings this is not too
difficult. Churches and similar buildings with a lot of extrusions might be
left until the import data is ready.

just my .5 cents


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