On 21-01-16 08:59, Jo wrote:
> Wow, that's great. I didn't realise you were that far along already.

Yeah, I was motivated but documenting all will probably take twice the
time, there are many things to account for and keep in mind, but I think
the method I used is pretty fast, it took me 3 weeks to do stekene and
it's not small.

> Regarding the Replace Geometry tool. I think it makes sense to remap it
> to Shift-T.

I'll answer this with telling you my remap: "CTRL-shift-A"

Shift-T is what the terracing tools use to merge address nodes into ways.

Which I actually use a lot too during imports of AGIV, but right now,
the tool Sander wrote will become an even greater Q/A tool as it is very
wel suited to solve special addressing cases (1 building, 2 streets,
multiple housenumbers, errors in CRAB, they all float to the surface
now) after importing GRB (with address data).

I try to NOT to use GRB addresseses on any buildings that are special
and need human attention, with Sander's tool, it will detect missing
numbers and guide the editor to the solution.


> Then you can use Shift to select 2 buildings, move finger to 't' and
> poof, done.

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