
Apparently it's not clear enough

You can't use it.  It's not a matter of opinion nor I care what certain
persons from PICC said to someone else I don't really know.  I should
not care either, because that's what licences are for.  They show me in
clear language what can and cannot.

It's really simple, you check the license.  I'm not having the
discussion on what exactly copying data is (or isn't).  I was quite
clear on it:  you can only copy data over with compatible licenses. We
all know what making a copy is in 2016.

I'm almost pulling out my hair btw, because you're not making the
correct conclusions.

You can NOT copy from data sources with incompatible licenses, having a
high five from someone at PICC does not count as a license.


On 01-03-16 21:48, Erik B wrote:
> Hello,
> I understand that there is no clear agreement to use PICC for OSM but it
> is said and written by different persons from the government that there
> is nothing against the use of those data for OSM and that we don't risk
> that data have to be deleted in the future.
> It means that besides SPW aerial imagery also the data on the PICC map
> may be used. Does this include the dimensions of the buildings, the
> house numbers, the names of the streets and the names of rivers, woods,
> farms and so on?
> Erik
> Op 29-02-16 om 17:38 schreef Julien Fastré:
>> Bonjour,
>> On n'est jamais parvenu à obtenir une réponse claire de la part du
>> SPW. Mais je confirme ce qu'écrit André Pirard: pour eux, recopier nos
>> données n'est pas les utiliser => donc on pourrait tracer à partir du
>> PICC comme on le fait à partir de Bing!, selon eux. Le mieux (ou le
>> pire) c'est qu'ils ont rédigé leur nouvelle licence en partie pour
>> permettre à OSM d'utiliser ces données (il y a eu vraiment un travail
>> de ce côté), mais qu'elle reste floue pour qu'on le fasse.
>> Maintenant, s'ils se plaignent, je n'ai que des conversations
>> téléphoniques, des réunions et des échanges de courriels pour défendre
>> la personne qui serait mise en cause.
>> En Wallonie, on reste dans le domaine du compromis...

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