On Tuesday 05 April 2016 12:12:15 Marc Gemis wrote:
> I'll probably do it (access=no) for the "fietsbrug" near Rumst, since
> it will be closed from May to Sep.
> I'll place a reminder in my agenda to go check it and update it in
> September.

We need some proper international rules for those temporary closures, and 
better tags that are actually supported. The problem now is that you for 
example put an access=no on a road that's closed for a month, and during that 
month someone else makes a dump of the data and now that dump will have an 
inaccessible road until a new dump is made, maybe several months later. Or 
worse, someone forgets to remove the tags when the road has opened again and 
then it stays like that until someone happens upon it.

Personally I refrain from tagging temporarily blocked roads unless it takes 
longer than half a year or so. But a proper solution should really come from 
the international community if we want something that's supported across 
different applications.


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