On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> example put an access=no on a road that's closed for a month, and during that
> month someone else makes a dump of the data and now that dump will have an
> inaccessible road until a new dump is made, maybe several months later. Or

I know this is the argument that you hear over and over, but I find it
rather weak.
If you make a dump now and I make a correction a second later (any
change, e.g. direction of one-way, maxspeed, streetname, add a new
street, put a barrier on a road (so-called permanent changes)), you
also do not have the correct information until you make a new dump.

And the other one: forget to change the tag back: what if I forget to
add a new, permanent bollard ? Then the data is also incorrect until
someone adds it.

Anyhow, the Fietsbrug across the Dijle has now an access tag = no. And
it's in my agenda to check it again at the end of August.

There is an abandoned proposal
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/temporary , but
it's hardly used I think



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