On 07-06-16 12:46, Killian De Volder wrote:
> I think we should have a general register that defines what a tag implies for 
> each road-law region (usually an entire country).
> (And this data should ideally not be stored in the Wiki, but rather inside 
> OSM, or a file you can download to use in your routing-software.)
> For example all our highways are 120, but they are not tagged as such. So 
> it's up to uninformed drivers and router-planners to figure this out.

That is exactly the intention for plenty of things, If the law changes,
we don't need to update thousands of values.   It's like tagging foot=no
on a moterway...  We all know you can't do that.  Some stuff only makes
sense when you know the implicit rules that apply to the way/object. The
law states you can't walk on them.  We don't need to tag this
explicitly.  But most motorways in Belgium have a maxspeed assigned, not
sure where this idea comes from. (examples ?)

Data consumers will use those rules , and often they are different
between nations.  Data consumers actually add value to OSM by
incorporating these implicit tags in their rule set.  They also are free
to ignore some of them, and sometimes even have to to make sense.

One of the reasons is to prevent troll-tags to take control/messing up
logic , see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Trolltag

> That or we define at-least the default and each mapper get to define the 
> differences from the world-wide norm.
> (But this will cause newcomers to make many mistakes)

There are some pages I think you are asking for.  Check this one:



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