
On 08-11-16 15:29, joost schouppe wrote:
> Eh, I would think the legal stuff can just be copied from here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/AGIV_CRAB_Import#Legal

mmm, translated license info in English... how did that escape me.... ?

> CRAB and GRB are under the same licence
> (check 
> https://www.agiv.be/news/2015/december/vlaamse-overheid-stelt-grb-data-gratis-open
> ), and CRAB has been accepted as something we can import.

awesome, we need ammunition like that.  That means they can't argue with
us about the license.  That will save a thread or 2 in the import
mailing list.

> And yes, discussing is much more fun than editing wiki pages of course :)

Let's move forward on this,  we gotta get content in there. I'm quite
motivated to fix the final steps, especially make a production ready

tx Joost.


> 2016-11-08 13:37 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be
> <mailto:gl...@byte-consult.be>>:
>     On 08-11-16 13:30, joost schouppe wrote:
>     > I'm a little surprised by how little space there is for explaining the
>     > what and why of the import in this template. Things like "current use in
>     > OSM", "quality of the data", "data model of the original data", etc
>     > "integration methodology" etc. I would expect this to be the most
>     > important in evaluating the import. Seems like this is all kept to the
>     > imports talk list then? Or is this supposed to be in the explanation of
>     > the source itself?
>     I just kinda anchored the page and removed some dutch text, I think it
>     should be in English too, but I can't find GRB licensing in English atm.
>     Feel free to blow it away actually, only the top part is mine.  it's a
>     rush job and I was planning on improving it today if only I wasn't
>     fighting a evil tile server like a jedi master
>     > I would like to work on that part of the page if that is useful. And we
>     > could probably get someone from the AIV to review the technical details
>     > too.
>     Thanks Joost, I noticed the response on actually helping me with these
>     is very low atm.  But the "GRB pressure" to get it done seems a lot
>     higher (not judging) But I can't do it all by myself.
>     If I can make a suggestion, I really want the legal part in order.  For
>     technical stuff I have a lot more inspiration.
>     Glenn
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