
Here is a probably subjective issue, that has certainly already been discussed, but I cant' find a search engine for the mailing archives.

It's very frequent, in Belgium and certainly in many places, that a private or farmer steals a footway because he dislikes people pass there or just to extend his field for free. The **official** path is then often no more visible and, sometime, there may have an **unofficial** by-pass in the area.
The official trace MUST be kept because, well... it is official. :-)
And also because the by-pass MAY disappear at any time.

Envisioned solutions:
1. Keep official path only.  =bad because it does not reflect the reality (which may stand for many years!) 2. Delete the official one, draw the by-pass. =rejected, because the official must be kept, or we may loose both 3. Keep both, but flag the hidden one with trail_visibility tag. =best option found up to now, which seems accepted widely+officially

A. Is there any OSM consensus for a solution, at the global/worldwide community level?
B. If not, is there any Belgian community consensus?
C. If not, is there any widely accepted option?
D. If not, is there any better solution than option 3?

(Side issue: the current rendering on OSM does not express that this path is poorly visible. But at least the flag is there for other rendering tools/layouts.)

Two examples I had to do:

Thank you in advance for any pointer/doc/wiki/consensus! :-)

(aka fgerin on OSM)
(aka fge1 on balnam)

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