Some comments:
- An interesting change is the one from access=no/destination to 
vehicle=no/destination for the C5-sign, which I support, because it's more 
correct. But a disadvantage is that e.g. access=no/destination shows on the 
map, but vehicle=no/destination not. Would the proposal to treat 
access=no/destination and vehicle=no/destination equally on the map make any 
chance?- Add C3 + 'uitgezonderd landbouwvoertuigen/landbouwgebruik/usage 
agricole/convois agricoles... : vehicle=no + agricultural=yes- The same for 
bus=yes, taxi=yes, ... Or refer to 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access- 'uitgezonderd plaatselijk 
verkeer / excepté circulation locale' implies also bus=yes
- A general remark that could be added: never follow the traffic signs blindly 
when adding (access) tags: in some local authorities the one who has to decide 
about traffic signs doesn't seem to know which sign to use where. In the draft 
there is also a mistake: M4 and M5 cannot be added to a C1.- Another general 
remark: do not add access-tags which are already implied by the highway-tag 
that is used. In my opinion also the tags for the mandatory (D) signs should be 
reviewed. E.g. for D11 suffices highway=footway; all the rest is redundant. 
(And there are contradictions with this page: 
 Add examples for 'complicated' cases: e.g. 'C3+uitgezonderd plaatselijk 
verkeer' in one direction / no access limitations in the other direction.- Is 
it a good idea to encourage mappers to add overtaking=yes wherever overtaking 
is not forbidden? I'd treat that as a default: no need to add that tag 


    Op maandag 16 september 2019 09:21:29 CEST schreef joost schouppe 
s8evq has been consulting some heavy mappers about the "road signs in Belgium" 
wiki page, because it didn't seem to reflect how we actually map. There's a 
draft new page at 
Feel free to comment here or on Riot if you think it can be further improved!
Joost SchouppeOpenStreetMap | Twitter | LinkedIn | 
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