On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Michel Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However when i have done some tests to import Geobase
> data into osm I did not use intermidiate storage. Here's what i have done:
> Read osm data (bounding box)
> Read Geobase data in shape file (same bounding box)
> Reproject in LCC (it is easier to manipulate data in x,y coordinates)
> Compare both sources to identify Geobase segments that will be import
> Tag Geobase segment as osm ways
> Integrate the geobase to osm ways:
> snap geobase ways to osm ways (add nodes to existing osm way)
> Reproject to geographic coordinates
> Generate osm nodes:
> existing osm nodes
> new nodes added to existing osm way (geobase snapped)
> new nodes for geobase segments
> Generate osm ways to include new osm nodes
> Generate new osm ways that came from geobase
> Generate osm file
> Then use JOSM to upload the update file

The question I have, is this:

Is the import of Geobase data going to be a process that average OSM
participant is going to be able to take part in? I would like to be
able to participate, but have no clue how to do any of the above
listed steps.

Talk of starting in one single area and only proceeding once that tile
is done would seem to be counterproductive. It is unlikely that
participants from Newfoundland would be excited about helping map
Tofino, nor would it be expected that participants from BC would still
be working with the same enthusiasm once the import tile reached

Also trying to get multiple users all working on the same area
concurrently can lead to some overlap and duplicated work. Allowing
people to work on areas that are of the most interest to them is how
OSM is being built currently, and it's working fairly well. If you let
people work in the areas that they are interested in, they are more
apt to do the work.

If there's going to be any type of ongoing synchronization between
Geobase, and OSM, we are going to need to keep Geobase ID tags intact.
Checking for duplicate ways can be worked around by avoiding the issue
during the initial import, but if there are Geobase updates that are
to be imported in the future, there will have to be a way of
determining if the existing nodes and ways have changed or not, and
that will have to be using existing ID references.


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