Thanks Steve for the breakdown :)

I need to announce a couple points:
1 Calgary sits smack in the middle of 4 tiles, and same with other
cities, so that estimate 8, needs to be taken in as 4 of the '40'
And winnipeg could be also like that too.

2 (imo) when Dale started producing the tiles, he started with the 8
or so 'popular' ones, (in our case, we can save these for later
-last), and made a call out requesting people ask for particular tiles
to work with.
As people started working, calls came in announcing errors. So with
some fixups (in the script) the next ones were better.

3 the technical process of converting, seems to be an automated, but
time intensive 1 person job, they will have the tiles and converted
files all on their computer, they will also know what tiles have been
4 how we all can help is in the manual messaging of the data, and
reporting all 'bugs' in the script.

By starting with the ones that users are prepared to take 'ownership'
of the manual fixing, then once those tiles are 'imported & fixed' the
rest should be clear sailing.

I thing that sounds like a plan. Don't you?

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

On 12/7/08, Steve Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Dec 2008, Steve Singer wrote:
>> Do we have a handle on:
> To attempt to answer my own question.
>> a) How many tiles have 0 OSM roads (but do have at least 1 road in the
>> geobase nrn)
> It looks like 245 of the 250k (4 digit) NTS tiles have at least 1 'road' in
> OSM (see note 1).
> I do not yet know how many NTS tiles have at least 1 road in geobase (I
> don't have all the data downloaded).
>> b) How many tiles have OSM coverage similar to Tofino BC (or any your
>> other
>> examples from above) , and how much manual effort does it take someone in
>> JOSM to manually fix up the duplicate ways following a OSM import.
>> c) How many tiles (that have roads) are left over?
> The Tofino BC is part of the 'Port Alberni'  250k tile 092F.  It has 103
> roads and is probably a good divider for discussion.
> 8 Tiles have more than 1000 roads in OSM
> 40 tiles have more than 100 roads in  OSM.
> 105 tiles have 20 or more roads.
> Breaking the analysis into the smaller 50k tiles shows that only 50 of the
> smaller tiles have more than 100 roads.
> I think Dale pointed out that the NRN is segmented by province not NTS tile.
> This is true but a province to too large of an area to deal with as a
> single 'work unit'. The NTS tiling system seems like a reasonable way of
> breaking things up (geobase distributes the larger datasets like the hydro
> network by nts tile id).
> Notes:
> 1. 'road' means anything that the osm2pgsql program adds to the '_roads'
> table and has a non-null highway attribute.
> 2. This is based on recent (downloaded Dec06/08) canada.osm snapshot.
> Steve

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