On Sun, 2009-06-07 at 00:09 -0700, Austin Henry wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on importing (most of) the 082E tile, 

Kelowna, Osoyoos, Grand Forks

> and the part of the
> import process where you match roads in RoadMatcher is taking ages, 

Odd.  I've never seen RoadMatcher take more than about a minute to
conflate.  Did you get any errors when opening the shape files?  

> even
> though there's very little data in OSM for the area (the reason I picked
> this tile, along with the fact that I used to live in the area).  The
> reason it's taking so long is the fact that the OSM data for Highway 3
> and the NRN data are very different in places.

[ ... ]

>  But there are parts of it where it looks like a helicopter was
> used :)  And I'm not entirely sure how trustworthy the NRN data really
> is -- presumably it's good enough for the government to use, and most of
> it says the positional accuracy is 25m or less...

We can expect the NRN to be generally "Excellent" with scattered "meh."
They use better equipment than most of us.  Road centerlines should be
right-on for when the data was taken.  The road configuration my have
changed since then.  There may have been a construction diversion.  Or a
large tractor-trailer in the next lane may have caused a reflection that
hurt the location accuracy.  

Use your best judgement, you might be our only local expert for 082E.
Continue to give preference to data from OSM contributors unless you
have a good reason.  Consider contacting the previous contributors to
see if they can shed some light on the discrepancies you are seeing.  

Best regards,

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