On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, William Lachance wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing something, but I frankly just don't see the purpose in
> tagging our data differently from the rest of the world, when we can
> achieve the desired end (comparing OSM data to geobase) in an analytical
> way simply by comparing the geometry and histories of both data sets
> using tools like RoadMatcher. Perhaps this is a question we should put
> to the larger openstreetmap community? I will fully admit I've only been
> using and contributing to this project only sporadically for about a
> year.

Has anyone tried to see how well roadmatcher is able to match data 
imported from geobase against the original geobase data? You hope it would 
work well, but I wouldn't bet on it without some testing/verification.

I've actually used to the geobase uuids attached to the data for a number of 
tasks including

* Merging the duplicate nodes in Alberta
* Connecting roads between adjacent import regions (I still need to do this 
in Ontario)
* Fixing up the truncated street names in parts of Ontario

Granted most of these are import/data maintenence tasks having the uuid so I 
can trace each way back to the source data in geobase makes it much easier.

Having the uuids around also make it easier to talk about differences/errors 
between OSM and geobase data.  Someone can look at a road in OSM and easily 
find the original GeoBase road (using your favourite gis tool) and compare 
them.  Without the uuid somehow connected to the OSM road you'd be guessing 
at which road in the geobase data it comes from.


>> If I were to take a 200 metre long section of roadway, and define it
>> using "International Conventions" within the OSM structure, it is very
>> possible that I could have a bunch of segments, where perhaps the
>> number of lanes change, the surface type changes, a bridge exists, and
>> just for fun, it becomes a one way street. If each of these segments
>> has a road name associated with it, the renderer can end up placing a
>> bunch of names along that section of street. If however the renderer
>> were instructed to look for all the segments with the same name, and
>> only place a single name on that section until XX distance away, it
>> would make the map look better.
> Ok, I take your point. Perhaps the openstreetmap tile renderers could
> handle these sorts of cases better. :) Though I think that's a separate
> issue from what we're discussing above.
> -- 
> William Lachance <wrl...@gmail.com>
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