On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, James Ewen wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Richard Weait<rich...@weait.com> wrote:

It's fun.  It's free.  You can help.

If I have to make 5000 individual edits to change one attribute on a
roadway, then it's no longer fun.

This is where my concern lies. There are lots of places where I would
like to make changes and updates, but I do not have the time necessary
to make the changes to all of the segments that define the way any
longer. I used to be able to edit a road in a couple minutes, now that
same road may take twenty to thirty minutes to make that same change,
because of the number of segments involved.

It sounds like a lot of what your asking for can be accomplised by using the search features currently in JOSM.

Something along the lines of

1. Search for for "Centre Street"
2. Examine the nodes it selected to make sure it is what you want, you can use the CTRL key to deselect any segments that your search picked up but shouldn't have
3. Add or edit attribute, this will apply to all of your selected nodes.

Granted this doesn't work so well for unamed roads.


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