- William Lachance arranged a host of electrons thusly: -

> > Having the uuids around also make it easier to talk about
> > differences/errors between OSM and geobase data.  Someone can look
> > at a road in OSM and easily find the original GeoBase road (using
> > your favourite gis tool) and compare them.  Without the uuid somehow
> > connected to the OSM road you'd be guessing at which road in the
> > geobase data it comes from.
> I'm not sure if I understand, can't you just compare roads based on
> geometry? A UUID is basically just a pointer to a piece of data with
> particular properties. Why can't you look up the same thing based on
> the properties themselves? In the case of the road, can't you just
> compare based on name, nodes, etc.? Is it just a tools problem or
> something more?

Well, as a developer with a bunch of experience manipulating XML data,
and no experience writing routines that deal with spatial data, it would
sure be easier for me to tackle a problem where there are common
identifiers to identify the same data so that they can easily be
identified.  It lowers the barrier of entry, I suppose, to those with
more common knowledge (I expect that people with knowledge of spatial
algorithms & data structures is small compared to the developer pool in

Of course, roadmatcher (or similar) could be used to do the
identification, the the output could be processed to provide a mapping
file between OSM IDs and NIDs, which could be used to do something
similar to having the NIDs in the database.

Perhaps the OSM ways could be kept together, and a machine readable tag
could be added that describes the breaks that the NRN data would induce,
and what the NIDs would be.  I can't say I'm much of a fan of this idea,
but it could work.  *shrug*  Tossing out ideas here -- no solutions for
the issue.


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