In JOSM, another way to quickly add on to a way like that is to use the
select tool to select the way you will be adding on to, holding the shift
(or control) key, selecting the last node in the way, then use the draw
(add) tool to continue drawing the way. By default, in JOSM, if you have a
node selected that only belongs to one way, and you start using the draw
tool, that way will be extended, including tags. However, if a node belongs
to multiple ways (an intersection), then a brand new way will be created
(since it doesn't know which of the ways to extend), and you have to do a
combine operation. So selecting a node and a way together tells JOSM which
of the ways you want to extend.

To copy tags from one way to another, you can use the "paste tags"
operation. Select the way to take the tags from, and use the copy operation
(ctrl-c). At this point you have the choice of pasting the entire way
(ctrl-v), or just pasting the tags (ctrl-shift-v) into an existing way. When
you paste tags it will overwrite tags with new values if they already exist,
but will leave tags intact if there is no new tag value coming in (there is
no dialog to merge, at least on version 2300). One unfortunate aspect of
doing this with GeoBase is that GeoBase assigns a new uuid to a way
separated by an intersection (ie. a road will be split into separate ways
ever time there is an intersection, and each of those ways gets a unique

>> I've learnt over the years with databases that some idiot somewhere will
invariably want to use a tag like this and not realise that some roads don't
have a value.

If "some idiot" is using the OSM data in a manner that assumes some tag
exists, then they won't get very far at all. OSM allows anyone to use
whatever tags they want, by allowing any combination of keys and values. All
tags that are used in OSM are merely *suggestions* and are not mandatory. It
would be foolish to assume even the simple such as highway=tertiary will
exist on tertiary roads. Having said that, it would be nice to have as much
information as possible taken in from government sources. That is why Sam V
is advocating making .osm files available for people to obtain, so that
people without postgis/sql/roadmatcher experience can still use josm to copy
over the stuff that they want. There has been much discussion on how to make
this as automatic as possible, but uuid can only do so much.... Anybody can
get their hands on the GeoBase data and start copying tags over if they
want. The Roadmatcher Excluded files listed in the import spreadsheet
represent the roads that were already existing in OSM.

It looks like James beat me to the reply, but hopefully this also helps.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:51 PM, john whelan <> wrote:

> Looks like I can do an extend and combine in JOSM.
> Thanks John
> > On the clean up side is there an easy way to copy the tags on one section
> of
> > road onto another?  For example when I extend a geobase road up to the
> old
> > OSM road I'd like to have the same tags as the other sections of the
> road.
> > At a quick glance I can see at least seven sections that need to be added
> > back in within 600 meters.
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