Hello everyone,

I've been looking in the PEI address details lately. 

In July 2009 Peter Rukavina contacted the provincial Government to enquire 
about the copyright status of the PEI civic address data and to see if they 
would be willing to open the data up for inclusion into OSM.  Unfortunately 
shortly after, and before a response was received there was a government 
reshuffle, and nothing further happened.

In October 2009 Michel Arsenault contacted Peter regarding the civic address 
data.  Michel tried contacting the government on several occasions via both 
email and telephone but unfortunately received no response.  Having not heard 
back from them Michel prepared the data, tagged the source for easy removal 
(just in case anyone contacted him about the copyright status) and uploaded the 
data.  Michel is now out of the country and effectively un-contactable until 

Peter floated the idea to Michel about removing the current data and once again 
making more official lines of enquiry within government.  Michel acknowledged 
that this was fine, and that he'd considered this with the addition of suitable 

Finally I was investigating dupes ( using this 
 ) in PEI


It appears that the majority of the dupe nodes in PEI are the civic address 
data that has been imported at least twice for Kings County.

Taking all of the above into account, I propose to the community that

1) Plenty of cool screenshots of the current OSM map are taken showing the 
civic address data
2) The current civic address data is removed due to i) the Dupe nodes and ii) 
the current unknown copyright status
3) We approach the government again for suitable licensing terms showing them 
before/after map shots taken from 1. Trying to prove to them the value of 
opening the data.

What does everyone else think?



On 2010-01-28, at 8:13 AM, Robert Shand wrote:

> There was some talk locally about the civic address import.  I'm not sure of 
> the exact status on the copyright. I'll dig through my emails to find out 
> where it got left.
> On 2010-01-26, at 11:47 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> So I was informed today that PEI has already imported the address details.
>> Im not sure about the copyright on it.  I did message that user, so to find 
>> out more details.  
>> ie. to contact the government and just ask.
>> http://www.gov.pe.ca/civicaddress/download/index.php3
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=46.16879&lon=-63.35656&zoom=17&layers=B000FTFT
>> I remember Richard asking about contacts in PEI, was it regarding this?
>> Hopefully the road data will be made available to import.
>> According to geobase status, the block face addressing for this province is 
>> not yet available.  Is it planned for the near future?
>> http://www.geobase.ca/geobase/en/data/nrn/status.html
>> Cheers,
>> Sam
>> Twitter: @Acrosscanada
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