On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Robert Shand <b...@shand.org.uk> wrote:
> On 2010-02-11, at 10:26 AM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> I also like Franks idea of hosting tiles rendered, so an example can be 
>> shown.
>> (and Daniel just mentioned that the address range data will be available)
> Richard is removing the data as I speak. I won't have time to look at things 
> more until the weekend.  However I do like the idea of doing a different set 
> of rendered tiles to highlight what their data can add to OSM.

The small sample of data that I saw was pretty low-quality.  Address
nodes were in the water and in intersections.  Yuck.  If you want an
example of address data that might be nice to add to OSM, have a look
at the Toronto data example on my site.  Once properly rectified
(thank you, Emilie) the addresses line up very nicely with OSM road
vectors.  Sadly, their data license does not permit use in OSM; my
sample image did not import the data to OSM.

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