Let start from the beginning. What is the objective of OSM?
A collaborative map of the world. Not a patchwork. We need a map with 
sufficient quality to support various projects.

And there are a lot of dynamic projects around like http://hiking.lonvia.de/en/ 
 and http://hikebikemap.de/.

See this nice nordic ski map derived from OSM : 
It is more developped in Europe. So Zoom-in in this area to see trails in 
detail. And then, pass the mouse over trails. An Elevation Profile of the trail 
will be proposed.

A lot of similar projects are susceptible to emerge in various sectors : sport, 
food, local communities, organic farms, artisanal cheese makers, local 
producers, etc. 
What do they need from us? How we deliver?  We surely have to tag and structure 
various information related to such activities.

OSM is a vast project interrelated with communities, Open source developpers. 
The derived products of OSM need good quality map as baselayer and Bulk imports 
should surely be part of the portrait.


De : Richard Weait 
Date/heure : 2012-04-15  11:09:23 
A : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap 
Cc : 
Sujet : [Talk-ca] Canadian imports: good or bad? 
Dear All,
Let's talk about it again.  How do we feel about the bulk copying of
information from a permitted source into OpenStreetMap in Canada?
To be clear, I'm not suggesting that we discuss whether external data
sources are good or not.  External data sources are good.  I'm
suggesting that we review how we best make use of those external
You go first.  :-)
Best regards,
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