> From: Richard Weait [mailto:rich...@weait.com]
> Subject: [Talk-ca] Canadian imports: good or bad?
> Dear All,
> Let's talk about it again.  How do we feel about the bulk copying of
> information from a permitted source into OpenStreetMap in Canada?
> To be clear, I'm not suggesting that we discuss whether external data
> sources are good or not.  External data sources are good.  I'm
> suggesting that we review how we best make use of those external
> sources.

Although CanVec is unquestionably a useful data source for aiding with
mapping, I question dumping in data that will never get looked at or
improved by a mapper which is what is happening in widespread areas. This is
not about using CanVec in conjunction with a survey to speed mapping, this
is about using CanVec where you are unfamiliar with the area and no one will
ever survey.

While we're on the subject of CanVec, I think the documentation needs some
work. People are importing CanVec without giving it a detailed look,
trusting it's representation to be correct. It is not enough to just tie in
the CanVec data with existing data. The CanVec data in some areas is wrong
(e.g. coastlines in CanVec 8) and cannot be imported as is. Also you need to
be aware of the age of some of the data sources. In parts of BC you should
not import the streams from CanVec without verification with imagery. The
names are generally alright, but many of the streams have dried up or been
paved over in the last 30 years. Similarly, no one should be importing the
buildings from CanVec in BC. They're wrong more far more often than they're

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