On 2012-04-15, at 6:37 PM, Steve Singer <st...@ssinger.info> wrote:

> I also feel that not of all data sources are equal.  Even within Canvec some 
> layers are excellent (ie roads and lakes in most of the country) while others 
> are often so out of date it isn't worth the time to import (ie buildings in 
> much of Southern Ontario)
That's the third mention in a row of bad building data in Canvec. I'll
chime in on that to say I found a hospital in St. Albert, Alberta that
was marked as having come from an import. The hospital hasn't been
there for 20 years. The new building is several kilometers away. Not
just bad, full on dangerous if someone actually believed the data in
OSM and tried to find help when they were hurt. :-(

It has made me more interested in this whole import process, if just
for the reason of looking at what Canvec has to say about areas I know
well. Also, I haven't the time to walk the world and map it all, and
with the current price of gas, I sure can't afford to drive it. ;-)


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