On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 08:33:01 -0700
Andrew Lester wrote:

> Looking at the history of the objects, it looks like another mapper used
> Bing to map out the road network on Apr 14th, then you added CANVEC data on
> top of this on the 15th, so nearly everything is now duplicated. Question:
> Did you download the existing data for the town when you made your edits, or
> did you just upload the CANVEC data?

I downloaded the existing data, then loaded the CANVEC data, then uploaded the
result.  I now plan to fix it as soon as I find out the best way to go about it.

> When importing data, you need to make
> sure the data you're importing isn't going to conflict with existing data.
> Download the existing data, make your additions or changes, then upload the
> end result.

I don't have anything else that I'm planning to import at this time, but I'll
certainly try to do that the next time, if there is one.  Actually, I thought
that's what I did this time, but apparently not, somehow.

> As for the buildings, Richard's suggestion of the "orthogonalize" tool is
> the best. It has the keyboard shortcut of "Q". It will take your best guess
> and square off all corners to 90 degrees. Keep in mind that if there are any
> other angles, like a wall that is 45 degrees with respect to another wall,
> this tool will try to square it off and really mess it up. In cases like
> this, I'll temporarily split the way such that I have the parts of the
> building that are all square to each other in one way, orthogonalize that,
> then combine the ways back together.

It occurs to me that I may have been doing this wrong, and if so now would be
the time to find out about it.

The Coop grocery store, for example, is laid out as a building on a large lot,
the unoccupied portion  of which is customer parking.  I outlined the store,
marked that as the Coop, then outlined the parking lot and marked that as
parking.   However, I'm wondering if I should have outlined the whole thing and
marked that as the Coop, then made two smaller outlines within that for the
building and the parking lot.  If so, should I also name the smaller outlines
as Coop, or is naming the large outline around everything sufficient?

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