On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:45:22 -0400
Richard Weait wrote:

> > First, with regard to street classification.  I see, among others,
> > highway-tertiary, highway-unclassified and highway-residential.
> unclassified and residential are the same thing, except residential is
> for residential areas.  Anything less-important would be an alley or
> driveway (highway =  service) or something-not-a-street.

Therefore, an important street in a commercial area is "unclassified"?  Or
something else?
> > What
> > classification should the streets in a town's commercial district be, i.e.
> > something like "Main Street"?
> There should be no harm in making Main Street more prominent, even if
> it is not a strict match to the classification guidelines.

My question is how to do that.  It seems that a commercial street should have
more prominence than a residential street, but I don't see a commercial street

> > I seem to have somehow ended up with duplicate streets, side-by-side.  So
> > the obvious fix would probably be to delete one of them, leave the other,
> > and name and classify the one that's left.  Is this correct?
> Somehow?  Might you and another mapper have been editing at the same
> time?  What else might it be?  Normally, if you add an object once, it
> only gets added to the database once.

I'm not altogether sure of what exactly happened, since I downloaded the
exiting data, added the CANVEC data, and uploaded the result.  It appears that
I now have two streets, slightly offset from each other.  I plan to delete one
set of streets and fix the other once I know how to classify them.   If I have
to over all of the streets to classify them and name them,  there's no point in
doing it twice.

Is it important to actually outline a street, or is a simple line from point A
to point B sufficient?

> > Also, how do you find the detailed information on the web page after
> > entering it?  For example, if I add a website or contact information to a
> > building node, how can I read that information if I go to the
> > openstreetmap.org website and search for my town?
> Use the search box on the left hand menu.  I just looked for, and
> found the right answer:
> "Melville Theatre"
> "restorex, melville sk"
> "Flamingo Restaurant"  - 2 answers returned
> Is that what you had in mind?

Not completely.  When I entered the data for the Flamingo Restaurant I also
entered their telephone number.  Where did that go?

New questions:

How should I classify a shop that does multiple, apparently unrelated things.
For example, there is one business that sells saddles and prints a newspaper.

What should I classify a towing service as?  I can't find either towing or
wrecker in the list of classifications.

Same question for the Woo Ladies fortune telling shop.

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