Good morning everyone,

For the last several years I've owned the domain Once upon a time it actually went to a useful website, but for at least a few years now, the site that the domain points to has been down. I keep telling myself that I'm going to do something useful with the domain, but obviously that hasn't happened yet, and frankly, it's not going to.

So: I am just about to renew this domain for another year. I would like to pass control of the domain over to the Canadian mapping community, to someone who will do something -- anything! -- with it that will be beneficial to Canadian users and/or mappers.

I believe in the OSM project, and have been very happy to see how the project, and the maps in Canada in particular, have grown in the years since I first joined up. Unfortunately, I don't have time to participate actively. This is really my last foreseeable contribution to the project and community.

I don't want to just let the domain lapse, because I'm sure it would be picked up and squatted immediately. I'd love to hear from one or more interested mappers who have the energy and ability to do something interesting with the domain. I know I had this conversation with a few talk-ca members a few years ago and it went nowhere, but that was primarily my fault for not following through on my end.

Finally, I'd like to apologize to the community for essentially squatting on this domain for years when it could have been put to valuable use. I bought it on a whim, and never really used it. I should have released it to the community years ago. I feel like I've acted contrary to the spirit of OSM, and am hoping to correct that by transferring this domain to someone who will do something beneficial with it.

- Darryl Shpak
Lapsed Mapper :-)

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