
Our old police station was turned into a business incubator : It was inaugurated yesterday and it's new name was officialized :

I changed the underlying building from "Police station" to "building" last week. I also added a "building" point feature, short of having something in Potlatch-2 choices even remotely reminiscent of a business center of sorts with the name I had last week, then just updated it now with the new name. I'm not happy with the results and I'm looking for ways to improve. I have two questions :

1) What tag could I use for my incubator point feature ? Isn't there some generic "business" point symbol somewhere ? The closest I found is shopping/DIY (and that kind of applies since there is a real DIY shop in there too) but the incubator really is a kind of coworking place, a container for other businesses

2) I added the addr:* info to the point symbol, not the building outline (canvec import). I'm thinking the addr.* info really belongs to the building, as that's the only thing with a street address (with maybe indidivual shops having some internal address designation but definitely not a separate civic address) but I put the address info in the point feature just to be sure it would be searchable. Could I rely on the geosearch (and router) finding a point target without address info because it would be clever enough to look at the layer "underneath" (in my case the building outline) ? Do I have to duplicate the information (which I definitely would like to avoid) ?

Case in point : there are close to ten businesses in there now, one being a DIY shop that I would really like to map. So should I name the building outline with the name of the incubator (the container) and remove the point symbol altogether, then add point symbols only for the constituent businesses that are hosted in the incubator? Or should I keep the point symbol for the container (incubator) too ?

Thanx for pointers,


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