building=commercial on the building outline for a start. My own practice is to add point mappings for shops. Forr a rendered view you can see my local shopping centre at

Tom Taylor

On 26/03/2015 12:53 PM, Yves Moisan wrote:
Hi  Richard !

Thanx for your answer.  OK to tag addr.* to the building outline and
remove them from the building symbol.  Still, I'd like to see an obvious
point mark for the incubator on the map.  For now, I resort to a
building point feature but it would be neat if there were some generic
"commercial" or "business" symbol.  Otherwise, the map will show point
features for individual constituent businesses in the incubator, but not
the incubator itself, which bugs me.

You say you do the same for shopping marts.  Do you have an example I
could look at ?  I would expect to see "Shopping Center XYZ" alongside
the consitituent shops on the map.  So if there's a way to avoid having
a point symbol to highlight the container name on the map, I'm all for it.

I know it's a bit of "mapping for the renderer" but I feel it's an issue.

Thanx for your help and cheers,

Hi Yves!

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Yves Moisan <>

Our old police station was turned into a business incubator :
[ ... ]
2) I added the addr:* info to the point symbol, not the building outline
(canvec import).  I'm thinking the addr.* info really belongs to the
building, as that's the only thing with a street address (with maybe
I agree.  Address information generally applied to the building.

The current building-polygon, with a contained building-point is an
unusual construction.  I would expect only one database item for the
building.  Either the point OR the polygon, but not both.

Case in point : there are close to ten businesses in there now, one
being a
DIY shop that I would really like to map.  So should I name the building
outline with the name of the incubator (the container) and remove the
symbol altogether, then add point symbols only for the constituent
businesses that are hosted in the incubator?
That sounds great.  i use the same concept in mapping small shopping
areas, where one building contains a row of retail stores.  Address on
the containing building polygon, then several shop=something /
name=SomeThing points as appropriate.

Best regards and happy mapping,


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