Hi all,

(resending from the correct email address, apologies)

Thanks for all the responses to my previous thread. I am partly still 
processing the input but another topic came up while we were investigating 
route relations. I can’t seem to find a wiki page on route relations in Canada, 
or even per province. The exception is Ontario 
). Am I not looking hard enough? Would a ‘relation pages’ for Canada perhaps 
make sense?

The main reason I am asking is that I want to encourage our Telenav map 
analysts to help improve route relation coverage for Canada. We have been 
looking at the relation coverage and it seems to vary a lot by province. 
Perhaps a Canadian instance of Relation Pages would help? (See the US version 
here: - although this has not been 
updating correctly for a while)


—  Martijn van Exel
Talk-ca mailing list

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