As I've always understood it, highway=trunk is used for core routes in document 
(a) that Daniel mentioned.  It ignores routes marked as feeder and 
northern/remote.  highway=primary is for each province's network of primary 
highways that aren't motorways or trunks.
I don't exactly agree with the above definitions but they were already in place 
when I got here so I've been using them.  For one thing, document (a) was 
published in 2005, and things change.  I'm also not entirely comfortable with 
the fact that the most a city-maintained road could ever hope for is secondary. 
 Toronto's Black Creek Drive should, in my mind at least, have a higher 
classification than Highway 108 north of Elliot Lake.  In general, OSM higways 
should be based on how important they are to the overall road network, 
independent of any official classification.
On the other hand...  I kinda like the way Canadian cities look with their 
simple networks of orange thoroughfares.  London, Paris and Washington are an 
incomprehensible mess of roads with varying classifications which don't seem to 
be of benefit to the end user.  The eight-level hierarchy of highway 
classifications OSM gives us to work with is overkill.  At least Canada is 
consistent, which is more than can be said for a lot of countries.  Plus 
there's so much that needs to be added to the map that I don't see tinkering 
with highway classifications as a priority.
So here's what I suggest: the definitions above are good guidelines but need 
not be followed religiously.  If anyone thinks a specific road should be 
promoted or demoted, let's discuss it here and make it happen.
As for the wiki pages.  In (b), Canada is listed twice.  I think the entire 
lower row can be deleted and the upper row still stands.  Maybe a note could be 
added saying there is some flexibility to the trunk/primary guidelines.
In (c), the section on trunk roads should be changed.  Trunk roads do not need 
to be limited access.  Most of them are not.  I also don't think people should 
be told to tag anything surface=paved/unpaved.  Instead surface should be 
whatever it is (asphalt, concrete, gravel, etc).  The "Sub-national and below" 
section needs to be rewritten or copied over from (b).

And now you have my two cents too.  Comments?
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:39:28 -0400
Subject: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

I would like to have community’s point of view on this topic… Recently I have 
seen most primary roads in my area being recoded as trunk by at least two 
users.  They both refer to a governmental document (a) to justify their edits 
but I disagree with their interpretation. I have asked them to discuss their 
interpretation with the OSM community but they did not; so let’s do it I 
thought there was an agreement on highway tagging scheme in which provincial 
primary highway that does not meet freeway standards should be identified as 
primary road, as described in Highway:International equivalence (b). For 
instance provincial highways 2-14 in Ontario, 100-series highways in Quebec, 
Highway 95 in BC were initially tagged as primary road. Since then, the 
document (a) is used by some contributors to recode primary roads to trunk 
because it is cited in the Canadian tagging guideline (c). IMHO, the problem is 
that this document (a) defines 3 Route Categories (Core, Feeder, Northern and 
Remote) that does not fit with OSM highway definitions.  I prefer looking at 
OSM highway as “infrastructure categories” –my understanding of OSM 
definitions– rather than as “strategic categories” as described in (a) and 
partially promoted in (c). However, both are of interest as long they are 
applied consistently (d). I would like to get a consensus from the Canadian 
community on trunk/primary roads tagging scheme and eventually clarify 
available documentation (b, c) accordingly.  I might also add Tristan Anderson 
definitions on forestry roads (talk-ca 15-07-15). Comments are obviously 
welcome J Daniel  a) The Canadian 
tagging guideline defines trunk as a roadway that has limited access; while OSM 
Features (wiki) defines trunk as “high performance roads that don't meet the 
requirement for motorway” which means there is no/little access limitations!    
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