I would like to have community's point of view on this topic.


Recently I have seen most primary roads in my area being recoded as trunk by
at least two users.  They both refer to a governmental document (a) to
justify their edits but I disagree with their interpretation. I have asked
them to discuss their interpretation with the OSM community but they did
not; so let's do it


I thought there was an agreement on highway tagging scheme in which
provincial primary highway that does not meet freeway standards should be
identified as primary road, as described in Highway:International
equivalence (b). For instance provincial highways 2-14 in Ontario,
100-series highways in Quebec, Highway 95 in BC were initially tagged as
primary road.


Since then, the document (a) is used by some contributors to recode primary
roads to trunk because it is cited in the Canadian tagging guideline (c).
IMHO, the problem is that this document (a) defines 3 Route Categories
(Core, Feeder, Northern and Remote) that does not fit with OSM highway


I prefer looking at OSM highway as "infrastructure categories" -my
understanding of OSM definitions- rather than as "strategic categories" as
described in (a) and partially promoted in (c). However, both are of
interest as long they are applied consistently (d).


I would like to get a consensus from the Canadian community on trunk/primary
roads tagging scheme and eventually clarify available documentation (b, c)
accordingly.  I might also add Tristan Anderson definitions on forestry
roads (talk-ca 15-07-15).


Comments are obviously welcome J





a) http://www.comt.ca/english/NHS-report-english.pdf

b) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Highway:International_equivalence

c) http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Canadian_tagging_guidelines

d) The Canadian tagging guideline defines trunk as a roadway that has
limited access; while OSM Features (wiki) defines trunk as "high performance
roads that don't meet the requirement for motorway" which means there is
no/little access limitations!  



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