
@dega - changeset 41680708 has been reverted with changeset 42314543, with my 
username (mihaii_telenav). Can you please check the area and update it so it 
reflects ground truth?

@Pierre - I've reviewed the ways you suggested. Please find my comments in green

*         id=439021577 highway=residential -> this service road (probably 
private) goes to one house only. not highway=residential. And how useful to add 
these housing service roads? I see that you changed the source. Looks good.

*         id=439107096 highway=residential -> this look like a farm field track 
Thanks for changing it to track. Looks good.

*         id=425558698 highway=track -> Changed to residential and added 
surface=unpaved with changeset 42314695.

*         id=425558694 highway=track -> their are houses on the first segment 
of the road then highway=residential for this segment ? Splitted the ways and 
changed to residential with changeset 42314803.

*         id=425558699 highway=track -> their are houses on the first segment 
of the road then highway=residential for this segment ? Splitted the ways and 
changed to residential with changeset 42314827.

*         id=425558695 highway=track -> How useful is it to add all these 
tracks in the fields - for the majority private, for tractors only. Added 
surface=unpaved with changeset 42314867.

*         id=425501869 highway=residential -> In this remote Labrador area, I 
see a mine nearby. But I would be surprised that this is a new residential 
area. This look to me like a wind farm with the spaces at the end of each road 
branch to install a wind turbine. See for comparison 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/49.2043/-65.6507 Thanks for the updates. 
Looks good.

*         Rue du Banc-de-Sable (id=435769605) highway=residential source=Bing 
->  No Bing or MapBox imagery available. Seems to come from geobase.ca,  trace 
+ Name. Thanks for the updates. Looks good.

*         id=425338059 highway=trac -> We dont know the status of this forestry 
road. It might have been opened 10-15 years ago to cut wood. But we dont know 
if this is a permanent road, if culvert and bridges are repaired, what is the 
exact condition of the road.  Even on the main roads, this is very hasardous to 
drive in these areas. I agree. How do you think it is best to highlight this 
kind of situation?

In the future, I would suggest to contact us directly by sending a private 
message to our OSM username. This way, we can discuss and solve any issues that 
may appear much quicker.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mihai Iepure [mailto:mihai.iep...@telenav.com]

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 8:25 AM

To: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org

Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Erreurs créées par des non-locaux


@dega - Let me talk with Bianca about that changeset and resolve the issue.

@Pierre - Thanks for checking those ways and for your suggestions. We'll review 
them and come back with an answer once they're done.


-----Original Message-----

From: dega [mailto:gade...@gmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 10:25 PM

To: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org

Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Erreurs créées par des non-locaux

Hi Mihai!

You have not acknowledged that you understand why we are not satisfied with the 
edit done by biancah_telenav.

Would you please ask biancah to "disimprove_osm" and revert changeset 41680708. 
There are 3 major errors in that changeset.

I have some real (surveyed) improvements to add to the map and I would prefer 
to add them on solid grounds.

By the way, I recommend to all Canadian mappers to verify all changesets 
generated by Telenav. In the next few weeks I will verify and survey work done 
by biancah_telenav and florinbadita_telenav in my area. The Canadian portion of 
the Map is not a Etch-a-Sketch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etch_A_Sketch)

for novices.

Among the 700 changesets generated by biancah in the last 6 weeks, I would say 
that 30% of them are titled "added ways" and 40% are titled with "added lanes 
number". Not very informative IMHO.



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